Our Certifications
in FRENCH only inc./in SPANISH too! Translations are certified in two of the world’s leading Standards for Language Services Providers, Canada’s CAN/CGSB-131.10-2008 Translation Services Standard and ISO International Standard 17100:2015 (previously Europe’s EN15038-2006 Standard).
The purpose of these Standards is to establish and define the requirements for the provision of quality service by translation providers. It encompasses the core translation process and other related aspects including quality assurance processes, qualifications of linguists/calibre of human resources and traceability.
The accreditation and certification of service providers in the language services industry is of increasing importance for businesses and consumers throughout the world.
Clients should inquire if a translation service provider is certified to ensure that services meet minimum professional standards.
The CAN/CGSB-131.2008 certification was issued to in FRENCH only inc./in SPANISH too! Translations by Canadian Language Industry Association in 2006, and the standard’s certification authority after completion of a compliance audit. CAN/CGSB-131.10-2008, Translation Services, is a national standard developed by the Canadian General Standards Board and approved by the Standards Council of Canada.
Surveillance audits are conducted every 2 years by an independent 3rd party. Successful surveillance audits were completed September 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017.
in FRENCH only inc./in SPANISH too! Translations also received their EN15038 Certification for Translation Services in 2006 after passing a compliance audit by the certification body of the internationally recognized Austrian Standards Institute (ON-CERT). The European Standard for Translation Services was published by CEN (the European Committee for Standardization) in April 2006.
The International Standard ISO 17100 on Translation Services was published May 2015. In the member countries of the European Committee for Standardisation, this standard will be endorsed as European Standard EN ISO 17100 and will replace EN 15038. Given the two Standards are more or less identical in their technical content, LICS has issued ISO 17100 certificates to all EN 15038 organizations. We recertified Fall 2015.
in FRENCH only inc./in SPANISH too! Translations are also accredited to use the LICS Mark. The Austrian Standards Institute and the International Network for Terminology (TermNet) agreed to establish the “Language Industry Certification System”. The objective of the system is to provide an international brand for the certification of service providers in the language industry.